Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

...urch: The National Shrine and Catholic Presence in the Nation's Capital, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), 45. [3] Ibid., 25. [4] Ibid., 24. [5] “Architecture,” Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, [6] Tweed, America’s Church, 29. [7] “The Bernard Aloysius McKenna Papers,” CU: Archives Mss. and

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The Church and Labor

...ondition of Labor, (Philadelphia: Hardy & Mahony, 1891) P004.0014. [2] Leo XIII, Condition of Labor, P004.0014 [3] Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Letter on Social Reconstruction, (New York: American Press, 1936), P008.334 [4] George J. Lucas, The Magna Charta of the Rights of Labor; A synopsis of Pope Leo XIII's Encyclical

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The Centennial Fountain

...nking basins.[12] Herman Kirn with statue of John Carroll CHRC Centennial Exhibition from Observatory, George's Hill (note the single statue on the left pedestal)                             As the centennial year and the exhibition came to close, the

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Thomas Lloyd family papers, 1766-1867 (MC 45)

...ngton’s first inaugural address, which was published in the Gazette of the United States. Lloyd emigrated from London shortly before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. During the war, he served as a soldier with the Maryland militia. Lloyd later moved to Philadelphia, where he gained notoriety as a skilled

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