Liturgical Week

...In addition to the Masses and discussion sessions, the week also featured exhibit spaces at the Civic Center. Exhibits included displays and stands presented by various Catholic organizations, as well as art interpreting new themes of Vatican II. Halvey_P857_007 Halvey_P857_009 Halvey_P857_008   Keeping the Changes Going Archbishop Krol would continue

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Education the schools. “Romish Ingratitude,” July 13, 1872 Uncle Sam, holding an axe labeled “Order”, attacks a large snake with the head an Irish American, while Lady Liberty shields children of various races. Nast is suggesting that while other European, Asian, and African races respect the idea of equal rights

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Pope visit

...ding out the morning, was a Mass for Clergy and Religious at the Civic Center, where Pope John Paul II stated that the Eucharist “shows itself to be the source and the sum of all evangelization. ” Afterwards, he returned to the airport to fly to his next stop Des

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Drexel Beatification

...for canonization from three to two. The first step in the process was to examine all of Katharine Drexel’s writings and interview as many people who knew her as possible. On January 26, 1987, she was declared venerable, meaning heroic virtue in life had been proven. Halvey_667A_004 Halvey_667A_035 Halvey_667A_010 Halvey_667A_012

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