Centennial Exposition

...14] By the time the International Exhibition of Arts, Manufactures, and Products of the Soil and Mine closed on November 10, 1876, over 10 million visitors had been through the exhibit grounds. The event proved to be a huge success for the city as well as for the Catholics in

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World War One Army Chaplains

...rety Lecture Series at Seton Hall University (April 20, 2010), 12, https://www.shu.edu/theology/upload/2010-04-21_-_Providing_Shepherds_for_Soldiers_-_Reverend_Mark_Francis_O_Malley_-_v2-2.pdf. [3] Jefferies & Manz., “Reverend Clergy of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, and members of Religious Communities (Natives of Philadelphia or serving Archdiocese of Philadelphia at time of entry) now serving as Chaplains in the Armed Forces,” Catholic Histor...

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Temperance Movement

...eaking before C.T.A.U. delegates and United Mine Workers of America http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2013647511/resource/ One of the largest events held by the CTAU was the 1905 annual convention in Wilkes-Barre, PA when President Teddy Roosevelt spoke as the keynote to over 80,000 people. The Catholic Total Abstinence Union continued have its annual meetings

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