41st International Eucharistic Congress

...s, [and] our homes.”[7] Other attendees included the future Pope John Paul II who gave the homily at the Mass for Freedom and Justice in Veterans Stadium.[8] The Congress was even attended by secular leaders such as President Ford, who spoke of the importance of freedom and the Church’s work

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Catholics in WWII

...In honor of the anniversary, this month’s blog will look at some of the WWII material in the CHRC collections. Majority of our records from WWII come from Cardinal Dougherty’s collection, which contains correspondence with soldiers and chaplains fighting on both fronts. From the start of the war, Cardinal Dougherty

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The Church and Labor

Pope Leo XIII CHRC has a large collection of pamphlets and writings that deal with Catholics and its teaching on the economy. The Catholic Church has a long connection to labor and the plight of the worker, beginning with Pope Leo XIII's famous Encyclical, Rerum Novarum (Latin for Of New

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The Centennial Fountain

...ince there was only two years to complete the project, the committee also hired contractors for other parts of the fountain, such as Hobbs and Sons for the structures, basins, and pedestals and Comber and Co for the granite work.[5] Work began on the fountain on July 5th 1875 with

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