Elizabeth Sarah Kite and the Seminaries of France

...l Review, hoping to have them published in order to raise awareness and solicit support for the plight of French Catholic seminaries after World War I. French Catholic clergy were sent to fight in the war, as were other French citizens, and so the Catholic Church in France experienced a

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Patrick Coad, patentee of the galvanic battery, and interesting miscellaneous items

I am almost finished processing a small collection, Patrick Coad Family Papers (MC 37). An online finding aid will soon be available. Patrick Coad, undated Patrick Coad (1783-1872), an Irish immigrant who settled in Philadelphia, was the first American patentee of a graduated galvanic battery with insulated poles. Coad was

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Alliance of Catholic Women

...lliance of Catholic Women (ACW) of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, was officially founded with the approval of Archbishop Prendergast. The Alliance’s constitution stated that it was “organized for the allying of all charitable, educational, civic, and social activities of Catholic women.”[1] The organization functioned at the diocesan level as well

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Irish Catholics and Secret Societies

...ing the 1800s there were two major organizations that attracted numbers of Irish Catholics: the Fenian Brotherhood and the Molly Maguires. The Fenian Brotherhood was founded in 1858 as a national movement for the liberation of Ireland from English rule.[1] The Molly Maguires were likely founded in 1863 and were

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