National Council of Catholic Women

...States. The NCCW original mottos were “For God and County” and “Faith and Service,” both of which shine through its long and continued history. [1] Souvenir of the Tenth Annual Convention, National Council Catholic Women, 1920-1930, September 28-October 1, Denver, Colorado, P008.900 [2] MC78_80.7527, Letter to Dennis Cardinal Dougherty from

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Misericordia Hospital trained at Misericordia.[14] Misericordia Hospital: One-Half Century of Service, 1918-1968, (1968), 17. In 1967 plans were made to merge the running of Misericordia with Fitzgerald Mercy, a hospital in Delaware County run by the Sisters of Mercy. One of the major goals of the merger was to increases and

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Research guide for parish histories

...descriptions of consultors meetings. The Diocesan consultors are a certain number of priests in each diocese of the United States who act as official advisers of the bishop in certain matters pertaining to the administration of the diocese. Information relating to parishes usually consists of votes on a request to

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Medical Mission Sisters

...J. Dougherty and Anna M. Dengel: The Missionary Alliance." Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia 101, no. 1/2 (1990): 22. [3] Lou Baldwin, “At Motherhouse in Fox Chase: Medical Mission Sisters Celebrate 70 years,” [4] Christine Schenk, “Becoming a Worldwide Church with Members Who Love One

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