Catholic Newspapers in Philadelphia

...azine changed its name to The Catholic Weekly Instructor in 1849. With the change of name it also changed from a journal to a newspaper format and began carrying general Catholic and Philadelphia diocesan material in addition to juvenile material. When a new publisher took over the paper in 1850,

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TV and Radio

...roup.[8] Soon after, DVCOTVR took over full production of Real to Reel and changed the shows name to Catholic Magazine. With the change, Catholic Magazine focused more attention on local features as well as interviews with prominent Catholics in the tri-state area. The show also featured teen talk segments and

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Beloved Cardinal Archbishop: John Francis O’Hara

...d be a “symbol of the only thing of value remaining in this world of rapid change: Faith.”[10] Under O’Hara’s leadership the faith of the archdiocese was indeed deepened, with a great focus on education. In total, 61 new parish schools, 14 high schools, 4 specialty schools, and two colleges

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Eucharistic Congress

...aries and Pilgrims In addition to the numerous pilgrims, there were also a number of recognizable attendees who addressed the crowds during various parts of the week. St. Teresa of Calcutta and Dorothy Day were panelists on a conference on Women and the Eucharist. Other attendees included President Gerald Ford

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