Irish Catholics and Secret Societies

...23, 1864 on the topic of “the English have no right to rule in Ireland” in support of the Fenian cause.[14] However, Wood wrote to Moriarty “forbid[ing] absolutely the delivery of the lecture” or else “forfeit all your [Moriarty’s] faculties in the diocese.”[15] Father Moriarty choose to disobey his superior

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About CHRC Society of Philadelphia, the oldest Catholic historical society in the country. Mission Statement The purpose of the Catholic Historical Research Center (CHRC) is to collect, preserve, and make available for research the official records of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and those ancillary records and items that reflect the growth

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Papal Infallibility

...ssion.[3] The Council then cited previous councils and Church Fathers that supported the primacy of Rome, such as the Council of Florence which declared the Pope the Vicar of Christ.[4] From there the Vatican I concluded that: the Roman Pontiff, when he speaks ex cathedra, that is when in

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Temperance Movement

...1789 in Connecticut and throughout the 19th century they spread across the country.[1] By 1841 there were 26 temperance and abstinence societies operating in Philadelphia alone.[2] One of those societies was the Total Abstinence Society, a Catholic organization founded in 1840 by an Augustinian priest named Moriarty. Increasingly Catholic temperance

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