Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute

...ndance.[3] There they picked the name Philopatrian, meaning “love of one’s country” and the motto of “Revere the Church thy Mother and love thy Fatherland.[4] Soon the Philopatrians were meeting at the Athanaeum of Philadelphia and started to build a library of their own. The Institute quickly started having lecture

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Mathew Carey

...ich was described as the “greatest publishing and distributing firm in the country.”[7] In addition to publishing American works, Carey was a major player in importing European works, being the first to publish Walter Scott and Charles Dickens in the United States.[8] It was through is publishing company that Carey

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Prague Spring

...ovak peoples. McGovern, “Flower that Blooms in the Spring,” May, 3, 1968 Even before the invasion, many feared that like a weed the Soviets would kill off any reforms before they had time to blossom. McGovern, “Return to Normalcy,” August 30, 1968 With the Soviets in charge of the country,

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Pope Republican and the Democratic Parties for the 1872 election. As a major supporter of President Grant, Thomas Nast connected Greeley to Tammany Hall to depict him as unfit for office. “The German Vote,” November 2, 1872 In 1872, Senator Carl Schurz created the Liberal Republican Party to oppose the

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