Philadelphia’s First Catholic Cathedral

...later. Due to all these issues, Kenrick sought to move the cathedral to a new church. Finally in 1838, Kenrick designated St. John the Evangelist as the new pro-Cathedral. Despite the rocky relationship between the trustees and the bishops, Old St. Mary’s served as vital role in the history of

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Alliance of Catholic Women

...ut hundreds of new toys.[12] In 1953, the Alliance of Catholic Women faced new competition from the newly formed Ladies of Charity of Philadelphia, which unlike the ACW did not charge membership dues. Despite this, the Alliance continued its charitable work in the archdiocese until 2000, when the organization ceased

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Papal Infallibility

...een British Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone and Cardinal John Henry Newman (now Saint Newman). In a pamphlet published in 1874, Gladstone declared that Papal Infallibility was “at war with modern thought” since faith and morals touch on every part of human life and thus “infallibility is as wide as

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Newspapers & Periodicals

Newspapers CHRC holds one of the largest collections of Catholic newspapers in the United States. These newspapers were collected by the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia which was founded in 1886 to collect material documenting the history of Catholicism in the United States. The newspaper collection contains Catholic newspapers

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