Recap of “To Touch a Saint: Creating a Place for Middle School Students” Grant Program! such as a chaplain’s kit from World War I, 19th century religious candy molds, and more. It is rare that an archive or historical center would allow patrons to actually touch and handle items from the collections, and the students thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity! Additionally while at the CHRC,

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Black Catholics in Philadelphia and The Journal Catholics, along with the help of others within the Catholic community, most notably Katharine Drexel, purchased the former Fourth Presbyterian Church located on the southwest corner of 12th and Lombard Streets, renaming it St. Peter Claver Church. The church was dedicated in 1892. St. Peter Claver Church, circa 1961

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Alliance of Catholic Women

...gherty,” 07/02/1920, Mc78-80.6121. [7] Report on the Dr. Julia P. Harton Memorial Scholarship, 1949, Mc78-80.6132. [8] Supreme Court of Pennsylvania: Hopkins on behalf of the Alliance of Catholic Women of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia v Women’s Medical College pf Pennsylvania, 06/17/1938, MC78-80.6130 [9] Charlotte Fasy, “I Was Sick and Ye

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Misericordia Hospital

...t also broke down the types of diseases treated, with enlarged tonsils the most common with 609 and appendicitis the second most with 171 cases. Some interesting less common cases were one case of arsenic poisoning and 10 gunshot wounds.[11] First Report of the Misericordia Hospital, 60 First Report of

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