Catholics Responses to the Spanish Civil War

...Crosby, "Boston's Catholics and the Spanish Civil War: 1936-1939." The New England Quarterly 44, no. 1 (1971), 100. [4] Juan Francisco de Cardenas, “Letter to Cardinal Dougherty,” 01/30/1937, MC78_80.4513. [5] J. David Valaik, "American Catholic Dissenters and the Spanish Civil War." The Catholic Historical Review 53, no. 4 (1968), 732.

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Thomas Nast Anti-Catholic Cartoons

...emoved that, then they would be acceptable. "A Roman Catholic Mission from England to the "heathens" of America" In addition to anti-papal sentiment, Nast seems to question the merit of Catholicism on a whole in another cartoon where he drew a Catholic priest trying convert a recently freed African-American

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Centennial Exposition

...0] However, the opening remarks by President Grant received mixed reviews. England’s Tablet described President Grant’s opening speech as of “excellent taste” while The Louisville Catholic Advocate declared that the speech was “very dull” and “much to their [the crowd’s] relief he got through in about ten minutes.”[11] Catholics and

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