
...onal Guard protecting an Irish Protestant parade. In response, Nast drew a number of anti-Irish cartoons for Harper’s Weekly. This cartoon illustrated the Draft Riots of July 1863, where Irish Catholics attacked African-Americans throughout New York City. Nast blamed the attacks on both the ethnicity of the Irish and their

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...ailable on online catalog. Through our Omeka site we have made available a number of digitized material, including the over-sized graphics collections and some pamphlets, newspapers, and correspondence. CHRC has also partnered with the Digital Library @ Villanova University. Falvey Library has digitized materials from our collection, the majority of

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Redpath’s Illustrated Weekly: a rare find

...both interest him and provide a living. For 25 years Redpath had a varied career as an abolitionist, reporter, publisher, lobbyist, superintendent of schools in the reconstruction south, social activist and entertainment mogul. Redpath had sold his Lyceum booking agency several years earlier and was recuperating from an accident. He

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The Other Drexel: Louise Drexel Morrell

...from God and would spend her days answering correspondence from the large number of charities she helped support and overseeing the affairs of St. Joseph’s and St. Emma’s Industrial Schools. When not working she would toil in her greenhouse or walk the grounds of her estate. During the depression she

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