Thomas Nast Anti-Catholic Cartoons

In the last blog post, Nast’s anti-Irish cartoons were examined, revealing beliefs that the Irish were inferior and unable to handle American liberty. This made the Irish a threat to the United States and thus a focus of Nast’s criticism. Connected to this anti-Irish sentiment was also a strong Anti-Catholic

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Centenarian Priest Speaks of Bells and Prayer – Oral History Interview

...lly children. He said that if we want to be Christians, if we want Christ living in us, we have to learn from Him, and His devotion to his own father. Click the link below to listen to his thoughts on prayer, or read the except below. We have

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Starting from Scratch: The Story of Msgr. Hawks and St. Joan of Arc Parish

...Anglican church. During the Open pulpit controversy, he converted to Catholicism and was ordained by Archbishop Prendergast in 1911. He served as a chaplain in the Canadian Expeditionary Force during World War I and later served as a Vatican observer during the Spanish Civil War. Hawks wrote extensively and often

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Irish Catholics and Secret Societies the 1800s there were two major organizations that attracted numbers of Irish Catholics: the Fenian Brotherhood and the Molly Maguires. The Fenian Brotherhood was founded in 1858 as a national movement for the liberation of Ireland from English rule.[1] The Molly Maguires were likely founded in 1863 and were

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