Marian Year parishes founded during the year to be named after Mary. All told, ten new parishes would be founded and named in honor of Mary, as well as a new chapel for the Cathedral named Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. Halvey_K409_001 Halvey_K409_002   East and West: a unity of

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Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute

...P018.376, 18. [5] CS&T, Dec 15, 1950, 14 [6] Highlights, P018.376, 21. [7] New Year’s Greetings: To His Eminence, Dennis Cardinal Dougherty and report on the activities of the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute, 1944, MC78_80.3436, 8. [8] John, McClarren, A Short Story of the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute, (Philadelphia: 1940),

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World War One Army Chaplains

...Heroes of Marne,” Catholic Standard and Times. September 28, 1918. [7] “’Knew We Could Lick the Germans,’ Father Wolfe Writes from Trenches” Catholic Standard and Times, November 16, 1918. [8] “Father Wolfe is Lauded for Bravery Under Fire,” Catholic Standard and Times, September 28, 1918. [9] Gibbons, Chris, “A Phila.

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James Buchanan materials at the Archdiocesan Archives?

...ean that way. This is to sink the names of Democrat and Whig and to form a new Union party. Page 2 Buchanan shares his views on the separation of church and state on the third page: If there is anything in world which I do despise it is attempts

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