Friendly and Adopted Sons

...nuary 2, 1782.[8] Annual St. Patrick Dinner, 1977 By the 1790s the group began to lose membership and many members sought to change the focus from just a social group to a charitable one. This gave rise to the Hibernian Society for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland formed in

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Research Request Forms of the record. CHRC has some school records, mainly report cards, for a number of parochial schools: Ascension of Our Lord, St. Catharine of Sienna, St. Donato, St. Frances Cabrini Regional School, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Gertrude, St. Hugh, St. Joan of Arc, St. Madeline Sophie, Mater Dolorosa,

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1832 Cholera Outbreak in Philadelphia and Duffy’s Cut

...lready had a presence in the city. In 1814, at the request of then Bishop Egan and Fr. Michael Hurley, pastor of St. Augustine’s Church and close friend of Mother Seton, sisters began working in St. Joseph's orphanage. Sister Rose White, first sister servant of St. Joseph's Home, no date

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...of the Third Order of St. Francis also were deeply involved in the fight against the flu as the sisters ran three hospitals, St. Agnes, St. Mary, and St. Joseph, which together saw over 1,300 patients.[8] Other religious orders that sent nurses to various hospitals across the city included Sisters

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