Digital Collections

...ibrary@Villanova has digitized books, papers, and periodicals owned by the American Catholic Historical Society, the majority of which relate to Irish American history. ACHS material can be found here and CHRC Historic Papers can be found here. The Catholic Historical Research Center's oral history program, which focuses on the life

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Newman Centers

...xander Gray, OSF, “Development of the Newman Club Movement, Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, vol LXXIV, no 2, June 1963, 116. [11] Newman Club Manual: A Handbook for Newman Club Chaplains and Leaders, (Newman Club Federation: Washington, 1951) P015.296 [12] Catholic Campus Ministry, West Chester State

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The Church and Labor

...aymond Feely, Communism and Union Labor: Where Do You Stand? (New York: Paulist Press, 1937), P020.204 [8] Pius XI, Social Reconstruction [9] John Coogan, Rome and the American Labor Union, (St. Louis: Central Bureau Press), P012.0683 [10] M.F. Hennelly, The Church the Champion of the Working Man, (Dublin: The Catholic

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Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia the Catholic Church was incompatible with American values. In 1842, the American Protestant Association was formed in Philadelphia by more than 50 Protestant clergymen from every denomination. The APA’s objective was to alert the public, through lectures, publications, and revivals, to the dangers of popery, or “romanism.” The association

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