Day of Great Joy: Sisters of St. Joseph in Philadelphia

...cism, Joseph Middletown Bishop Kenrick wrote that May 4, 1847 was a day of great joy for the Diocese of Philadelphia because it was on that day after weeks of traveling across the country from St. Louis, the Sisters of St. Joseph arrived to take control of St. John’s Orphanage.[1]

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Philadelphia’s First Bishop

...tter of nomination as “truly pious, learned, religious, remarkable for his great humility, but deficient perhaps, in firmness and without great experience in the direction of affairs.” This description would prove prophetic, as Egan’s episcopate was marred by administrative disputes with lay trustees. Egan was born in 1761 in Limerick,

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Portrait photograph of Robert M. O'Reilly, circa 1870

A lengthy and active military career, March 12, 1864 In 1867, O'Reilly was sent to several army posts in the southwest and was then stationed in Wyoming Territory ending up at Fort Laramie, Wyoming. While there, he was involved in clashes between the U.S. military and the Sioux Nation in 1874 and 1880. For a

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Catholics in WWII

...o convert. He further stated that of Catholics who had left the faith “the great majority are willing and many are anxious to return to good standing.”[5] This highlights the importance that servicemen placed on religion and highlights the old saying that there are no atheists in the foxholes. Louis

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