Hometown Saint: Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in Philadelphia

...ights, Katharine Drexel and the SBS paid special attention to the needs of African Americans in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Her work to build schools for African-Americans began before she entered the religious life and continued as SBS staffed these schools. While still a lay person, Katharine’s generosity enabled a

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Thomas Nast Anti-Catholic Cartoons

...another cartoon where he drew a Catholic priest trying convert a recently freed African-American family. However, behind his back the priest holds a pair of shackles, implying that through Catholicism the family will be enslaved again. It is also interesting to note, that in the background is a public school

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Building of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul

...Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Nov. 17, 1915. [4] Annual Report of the Central Committee of the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, For the Year Ending December 31, 1846, 4. [5] Letter from Bishop Francis Kenrick to Bishop Peter Kenrick, 08/17/1846, MC72_30.148. [6] Virginia Dugan, A History of

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Archdiocesan Superintendent of Schools records, 1890-1932 (MC 92)

...ool. By 1852, Philadelphia had a parochial school system administered by a central school board. Consistent policies were established in 1890, when the central board voted to create an administrative staff to develop a cohesive curriculum and standardized policies regarding personnel, attendance, grading, and examinations. In 1894, Archbishop Patrick John

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