Philadelphia’s First Bishop

...and administer the sacraments. By 1729, Father Greaton had taken up residence in Philadelphia, discreetly celebrating Mass in private homes. In 1733 he established the first parish in Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s Church, in a secluded alley near 4th and Walnut Streets. By the eve of the American Revolution, Philadelphia was

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A Brief History of the Growing Pains of the Church in Philadelphia

...Roman Catholic Parishes,” The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia,; “A Brief History of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia,” Archdiocese of Philadelphia, [5] The Catholic Standard and Times, (July 29, 1976); “The Catholic Church in Pennsylvania before 1800,” [6] Christine Friend, “Philadelphia’s First Bis...

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Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia Kensington" from A Full and Complete Account of the Late Awful Riots in Philadelphia Philadelphia: John B. Perry, 1844 One of the numerous broadsides Bishop Kenrick had posted throughout the city on May 7, 1844 warning Catholics to stay indoors. The 1844 riots shaped both the growth and development

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Day of Great Joy: Sisters of St. Joseph in Philadelphia Pottstown the following year in 1848.[4] Senses from Mount St. Joseph Once arriving in Philadelphia, the sisters lived in the orphanage until Bishop Nuemann arranged for them to have a motherhouse in McSherrytown.[5] However, at 140 miles away from the city, the location was too far to minister effectively

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