Medical Mission Sisters 35,000 patients and assisted in 641 births.[10] Furthermore, while in many places the sisters were not allowed to actively proselytize, they were instructed by Mother Dengal to “teach by example."[11] By doing so the sisters were able to convert many to Catholicism, baptizing 561 in Rawalpindi in the year

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Cartoons by Catholics

...l Cartoons Humor Cartoons Legion of Decency Fundraisers ← Modern Pro-Catholic Comics Editorial Cartoons →...

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Thomas Nast (1840-1902)

...s for attacking the New York City political machine of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall. Nast is also credited with creating the Republican Party’s elephant and drawing the modern image of Santa Claus. However, he also used cartoons to express his dislike of Catholicism. Thomas Nast’s cartoons dealt with Anti-Catholicism

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...nd Ad Gentes (Mission Activity). In the period of four years, studies into different facets of the church community were conducted in five geographical areas of the city (North, South, West, Germantown and Southwest). Forty parishes were observed in this study. The findings were published in the Spring of 1975

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