National Council of Catholic Women

...en groups. In this way, it would serve more as an umbrella organization to help coordinate action between associations rather than a local group focused on a single issue.[2] Indeed, the NCCW saw itself as a federation seeking to unite and strengthen local groups, not to be in competition with

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...allow us to make our collections more accessible to researchers. With the help of our IT consultant, Walt Rice, Jr. I have begun to create our own catablog to highlight PAHRC's manuscript collections. Each collection includes an abstract and controlled access terms; some entries also have a link to a

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Fundraisers, April 17, 1920 Real Leaf, House of the Good Shepherd, November 20, 1921 The Score Board, St. Mary Phoenixville, March 3, 1917 Jerry Doyle, Please Help St. George Slay the Dragon, Philadelphia Record. ← Legion of Decency...

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Thomas Nast Anti-Catholic Cartoons attempts by politicians, most notably Boss Tweed, to use state money to help fund these parochial schools raised concern that these religious institutions would replace the public school system completely.[2] One of Nast’s most famous cartoons, “The American River Ganges,” published in 1871 depicts bishops shaped as crocodiles coming

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