The Church and Labor

...throughout the years. Successive popes would issue their own encyclicals echoing the calls of Rerum Novarum, such as Pope Pius XI's Quadragesimo Anno (Latin for Forty Years). Quadragesimo Anno further expended on the idea that the God given right to private property should be directed to the common good and

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The Centennial Fountain

...luding four statues of famous Irish-Catholics in American history. The men chosen for this honor were Commodore John Barry, founder of the United States Navy, Archbishop John Carroll, first Bishop of Baltimore, Father Matthew, founder of the total abstinence movement in Ireland and America, and Charles Carroll, signer of the

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Patrick Coad, patentee of the galvanic battery, and interesting miscellaneous items

...phlets and broadsides publicizing his invention, lectures, as well as the school that Coad opened for boys and girls. Also included in the collection is correspondence, ephemera, some estate items, and a scrapbook relating to Patrick Coad’s family, including his son Joseph R. Coad (1829-1868), a prominent Philadelphia physician who

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Newman Centers

...ty of local non-Catholic colleges had their own Newman Centers from state schools such as Penn State to small private schools like Bryn Mawr College.[7] FCCC 1917 While the Newman club at Penn was reforming, across the country during the early 1900s, other students were forming Catholic clubs. In 1915,

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