The Church and Labor

...d bishops called for the creation of unions with a religious foundation in order to better “restore all things in Christ.”[9] Other theologians, worked on how and when it was just for a union to go on strike. In “the Church the Champion of the Working Man,” Father M.F. Hennelly

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The Centennial Fountain

...AU had raised barely half of what Philadelphia did in the same time.[8] In order to make up the difference, at the fifth annual convention the CTAU passed a resolution for every society to raise one dollar per member in order to help cover the costs.[9] By the time the

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Patrick Coad, patentee of the galvanic battery, and interesting miscellaneous items

...two items that I felt warranted some attention: 1. A document listing the number of those in the city who died during the Yellow Fever epidemic in (possibly?) August and September 1798. The deaths are broken down by religion, church, and section of the city. (These obviously are in need

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Newman Centers

...t of the Catholic hierarchy, these Newman Center were vitally important in order to “safeguard their [the students’] Catholic devotion and establish means to keep alive in their souls their priceless Catholic heritage.”[13] Indeed, the importance of providing strong Catholic spiritual and educational support to students at secular colleges, led

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