The Church and Labor

...right to private property should be directed to the common good and that "Capital cannot do without Labor, nor Labor Capital."[3] Both of these encyclicals made clear that for progress to be made on improving the conditions of all people, all sides need to come together and work in harmony.

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The Centennial Fountain

...ther Matthew, founder of the total abstinence movement in Ireland and America, and Charles Carroll, signer of the Declaration of Independence.[3] CHRC The committee in charge of the fountain began to accept proposals for the statues in October of 1874. They choose Herman Kirn, a German sculptor, to create the

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Patrick Coad, patentee of the galvanic battery, and interesting miscellaneous items

...llection includes some of Coad’s correspondence, his lecture notes and medical remedies, testimonials noting the capabilities of his galvanic battery, as well as related ephemera. Ephemeral materials include newspaper clippings, pamphlets and broadsides publicizing his invention, lectures, as well as the school that Coad opened for boys and girls. Also

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Newman Centers

..., which was greater than the total number of students attending the five local Catholic Colleges.[5] It should be noted that at this time two different Catholic organizations operated at the University of Pennsylvania. First was the Catholic Student’s Organization Committee (replaced the defunct Newman Club), and the second was

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