The Church and Labor

...associated with socialists and communists.[7] This posed a major problem since the papal encyclicals taught “no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true Socialist.”[8] Indeed, many priests and bishops called for the creation of unions with a religious foundation in order to better “restore

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The Centennial Fountain

...rations in Philadelphia to mark the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of the Diocese of Philadelphia wanted to partake in the festivities. To do so, the organization proposed building a fountain in Fairmount Park to celebrate temperance, Catholicism, and Irish-heritage. In order to accomplish

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Patrick Coad, patentee of the galvanic battery, and interesting miscellaneous items

...les. Coad was a noted teacher and lecturer of medicine and the natural sciences, but gained wider notoriety after he invented and patented his galvanic battery in March 1842. The patent Coad received was for the “improvement in the mode of constructing the galvanic battery so as to vary the

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Newman Centers all three at the same time. However, many centers would struggle to balance the religious nature of the organization with the more social aspects. While Archbishop Krol called for a greater emphasis on the theological nature of the centers, other leaders around the country stressed the community focus. [12]

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