The Church and Labor

...abor unions being founded. Some Catholics accused the unions of being too closely associated with socialists and communists.[7] This posed a major problem since the papal encyclicals taught “no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true Socialist.”[8] Indeed, many priests and bishops called for

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The Centennial Fountain

...working in Germany, it did not reach Philadelphia until June. There were a number of reasons for the delays including payment debates between the CTAU and Kirn as well as problems with the marble that Kirn received.[11] Due to these delays, when the CTAU had the official dedication and celebration

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Patrick Coad, patentee of the galvanic battery, and interesting miscellaneous items

...two items that I felt warranted some attention: 1. A document listing the number of those in the city who died during the Yellow Fever epidemic in (possibly?) August and September 1798. The deaths are broken down by religion, church, and section of the city. (These obviously are in need

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Newman Centers

...ics attending University of Pennsylvania, which was greater than the total number of students attending the five local Catholic Colleges.[5] It should be noted that at this time two different Catholic organizations operated at the University of Pennsylvania. First was the Catholic Student’s Organization Committee (replaced the defunct Newman Club),

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