
...s collection contains various printed material on Catholic institutions in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Maryland and Washington, D.C. A variety of types of institutions are included, especially hospitals, orphanages, and colleges. Associations & Institutions   Pamphlets Contains several thousand pamphlets and other printed materials relating to subjects of

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Canonization of Saint John Neumann

...acred Congregation of Rites, October 4, 1962; AC 2010.061: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health Permit for Burial or Other Disposition, November 2, 1962, Box 6 Folder 1. [11] AC 1990.283: Processus Apostolicus super asserta miracula divinitus patrate per intercessionem Beati Joannis Nepomuceni Neumann [12] P10.173: Solemn canonization of Blessed

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