The Centennial Fountain no longer functions as a fountain, it still stands a monument to the Catholic Total Abstinence Union and the work of Catholics in America. Photo by Colin Varga Visit the archives to see more images and information on the building of the fountain and the centennial celebrations. [1] Joseph

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Newman Centers

...role in the continuing presence and education of students who attend non-Catholic colleges. Through such centers, Catholics can deepen their faith under the ideals of St. John Newman. [1] Newman Club, 1, MC78_80.6571 [2] Newman Club, Federation of College Catholic Clubs, 1929, 5, P008.874 [3] Newman Quarterly, p 11-12 [4]

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Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia

...police force. Moreover, the riots resulted in the creation of a distinct Catholic subculture in which the Catholic population would establish its own network of parishes, schools, and social service institutions as a haven from a hostile Protestant culture. References: Feldberg, Michael. The Philadelphia Riots of 1844: A Study of

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The Bishop’s Bank or residence. Although the bank was intended to serve the needs of all Catholics in the diocese, the majority of depositors were Irish. This is evident from the large number of Irish surnames and the notations listing the various counties in Ireland as the place of origin. Other notations

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