41st International Eucharistic Congress

...Joseph Casino, The Forty-First Interional Eucharistic Congress, August 1-8, 1976: A History, (Pennsauken: DeVilieger, 1978) 6, 144; MC 80, 100.611: Committee on Special Guests: Final Report to the Board of Governors, August 16, 1967, https://omeka.chrc-phila.org/items/show/8121. [2] MC 80, 100.2792: Letter to James Cardinal Knox from John Cardinal Krol, March 7,

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Irish Land War

...h nationalism and independence, spanned the time period from around the mid 19th to the mid 20th century. Religion and politics were both prominent topics in this time of conflict, but most of the pamphlets I’ve cataloged so far relate to the Land War in Ireland over the centuries old

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Eucharistic Congress

...29_054 Halvey_A429_056   Hungers and Art Planning for the 41st IEC began in 1974. The main discussion at that point was on what theme to choose for the focus of the Congress. It would not be until April of 1975, that the theme of “The Eucharist and the Hungers of

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Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

...g for the construction, which began with the publication of Salve Regina in 1914.[8] By 1920 over $160,000 had been collected to fund the shrine, with contributions increasing over the decade so that by 1933 over $3 million had been raised.[9] One interesting aspect of the fundraisers was that much

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