World War One Army Chaplains

...“Calls Phila Boys Heroes of Marne,” Catholic Standard and Times. September 28, 1918. [7] “’Knew We Could Lick the Germans,’ Father Wolfe Writes from Trenches” Catholic Standard and Times, November 16, 1918. [8] “Father Wolfe is Lauded for Bravery Under Fire,” Catholic Standard and Times, September 28, 1918. [9] Gibbons,

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Catholics in WWII

...s that there were never enough chaplains to go around. In a letter from May 19, 1942, O’Hara stated that they had over 1,000 Catholic chaplains but were in need of 600 more or else risked losing those spots to Protestant chaplains.[6] O’Hara’s letter also included a list breaking down

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Thomas Nast Anti-Irish Cartoons American society. In the immediate aftermath of the Orange Riot of July 12, 1871 in New York City, in which Irish Catholics clashed with the National Guard protecting an Irish Protestant parade, Nast drew a number of anti-Irish cartoons for Harper’s Weekly. One cartoon illustrated the Draft Riots of

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Parish and School Closing

...parishioners, with both areas losing around 60% of registered members from 1970 to 1990. Due to this and lingering financial concerns, in 1993 eight parishes in North Philadelphia would close and consolidate into two new ones: Our Lady of Hope and St. Martin de Porres. In Chester, all six parishes

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