Catholics in WWII

...rkin often wrote that many non-Catholics would attend Mass and he had high numbers of confessions. He did complain about the difficulty in attending to all the men under his care as he had no transportation to get to those stationed away from the main base. This meant that some

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Cardinal Dougherty and His Golden Jubilee

...f over 100 new parishes, Catholicism flourished in the Archdiocese and the number of Catholics continued to increase. Halvey_483 Dougherty’s Golden Jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood was seen as a way to honor his work in expanding the Church as well as celebrating Catholic life in the city.

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St. Peter Claver the Holy Ghost Fathers, this order of priests had numerous missions in Africa and through the work of Drexel and Ryan, agreed to come to Philadelphia. Father Peter McDermott CSSp arrived in Philadelphia in 1889 and set up a small rectory, chapel, and school at 832 Pine Street, in

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Eucharistic Congress 1881, when a one day congress was held in Lille, France and attended by 800 people. The event in Philadelphia would last for a week and be attended by over 1,500,000 people including 44 Cardinals and 417 Bishops from around the world. Halvey_A429_001 Halvey_A429_052 Halvey_A429_054 Halvey_A429_056   Hungers and

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