Hometown Saint: Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in Philadelphia

...rst member of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People. She added one vow to the usual ones of poverty, chastity, and obedience: “To be the mother and servant of the Indian and Negro races according to the rule of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament;

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Irish Catholics and Secret Societies

...heless, during the 1800s there were two major organizations that attracted numbers of Irish Catholics: the Fenian Brotherhood and the Molly Maguires. The Fenian Brotherhood was founded in 1858 as a national movement for the liberation of Ireland from English rule.[1] The Molly Maguires were likely founded in 1863 and

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Catholic Interracial Council

...t College, Immaculata University, and Chestnut Hill College.[4] One of the people in attendance at this first meeting was Mrs. Anna McGarry, who would be a major player in interracial programs in the city of Philadelphia throughout the following decades.[5] Halvey_L860_006: Catholic Interracial Council. Communion breakfast at St. Elizabeth Parish

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Interesting film history finds in the Parish Calendar collection

...ere a large demographic of the movie-going public in 1940. I've heard some people say that movie audiences are younger in 2011 than ever before, but I'd like to see some data to back that up. The first article not only says kids see a lot of movies, but that

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