Holy Redeemer Chinese Catholic Church

...in of China visited Philadelphia.[1] He stayed at St. John’s Rectory, just south of Chinatown, and wanted to address the Chinese population. However, at the time there was only one Catholic Chinese family in the entire area.[2] In response to this and under the guidance of the Sisters of the

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Cardinal Dougherty and His Golden Jubilee

...12 Over 160,000 people packed the Municipal Stadium (Later JFK Stadium) in South Philadelphia on June 2, 1940 to witness Cardinal Dougherty’s Golden Jubilee Mass.[1] The event was the largest gathering of Catholics in the city since 300,000 attended the 1926 Solemn Pontifical Mass for the Sesquicentennial of the Declaration

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St. Peter Claver

...as the Holy Ghost Fathers, this order of priests had numerous missions in Africa and through the work of Drexel and Ryan, agreed to come to Philadelphia. Father Peter McDermott CSSp arrived in Philadelphia in 1889 and set up a small rectory, chapel, and school at 832 Pine Street, in

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Cornelia Connelly, S.H.C.J.

...children: Mercer and Adeline. After forty-seven days at sea and a stop in southern France, the Connellys final reached Rome in February 1836. They quickly integrated into local society and were frequent visitors of the influential Borghese family and Englishman John Talbot, the 16th Earl of Shrewsbury, who became Pierce’s

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