Medical Mission Sisters

...ile Dengel saw the use of trained religious sisters as filling the void in India and other countries to care for the sick, there was a major problem. According to Catholic canon law, religious sisters were not allowed to practice medicine or obstetrics.[4] Due to this, when the sisters formed

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Catholics in WWII Aloysius McGrann, described his experiences at field hospitals in North Africa and Italy. After landing with the main forces in Italy in September of 1945, Father McGrann moved up the peninsula through Cassino, Anzio, and Bologna, attending to not only the Allies but captured German and Italian prisoners. After

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...ptismal records for each of the Archdiocese's parishes and best of all its FREE to use!     New Digital Resources Available! CHRC joined with FindMyPast to make historical parish baptismal and marriage records available to the public. Pre-1919 records are on-line and can be searched and downloaded. Also

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Thomas Nast Anti-Catholic Cartoons

...another cartoon where he drew a Catholic priest trying convert a recently freed African-American family. However, behind his back the priest holds a pair of shackles, implying that through Catholicism the family will be enslaved again. It is also interesting to note, that in the background is a public school

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