The Church and Labor

..., P004.0014 [3] Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Letter on Social Reconstruction, (New York: American Press, 1936), P008.334 [4] George J. Lucas, The Magna Charta of the Rights of Labor; A synopsis of Pope Leo XIII's Encyclical Rerum Novarum (Brooklyn: International Catholic Truth Society, 1929), P002.2029 [5] John Ryan, The Catholic

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The Bishop’s Bank

..."Bear in mind that investments must always be made in stock of ready sale: City, or State of Pennsylvania. No other; City is the best. County stock is good, but of slow sale. Never purchase any other stock. Beware of Banks, Canals, railroads, other States of the Union, and all

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Starting from Scratch: The Story of Msgr. Hawks and St. Joan of Arc Parish the saint in a production on Broadway. Hawks and others even went up to New York to try to meet her after one of her performances. While she was very excited about the idea , she ultimately decided not to sit as the model because “wouldn’t it be a

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Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia

...stay indoors. The 1844 riots shaped both the growth and development of the city of Philadelphia as well as Catholicism in Philadelphia. They led to the consolidation of the city and county of Philadelphia and the establishment of an organized police force. Moreover, the riots resulted in the creation of

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