Papal Infallibility

...Decrees in Their Bearing on Civil Allegiance: A Political Expostulation,” (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1874), P001.1442, 14 & 38. [9] W. E. Gladstone, “Vaticanism: An Answer to Reproofs and Replies,” (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1875), P001.1511, 78. [10] John Henry Newman, “A letter Addressed to His Grace

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Catholic Interracial Council

...rracial Council   [1] John LaFarge, SJ, “A Catholic Interracial Program,” (New York: The American Press, 1939) [2] “Catholic Interracial Council of Philadelphia Constitution,” 1999.047 Box 8 Folder Stanton Paper. [3] “Ten Years in Retrospect,” 01/21/1948, 1999.047 Box 9 [4] “Background and History of the Catholic Interracial Council of Philadelphia,”

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Alliance of Catholic Women

...ut hundreds of new toys.[12] In 1953, the Alliance of Catholic Women faced new competition from the newly formed Ladies of Charity of Philadelphia, which unlike the ACW did not charge membership dues. Despite this, the Alliance continued its charitable work in the archdiocese until 2000, when the organization ceased

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An “Un-American Invention”?: Catholics and the Issue of Prohibition

...c Prohibition League (CPL) held its first meeting in 1914 in Niagara Falls New York, where they declared their goal was for the creation of a dry and saloonless nation.[9] During CPL’s convention, they challenged the Catholic Total Abstinence Union for not opposing the liquor traffic and saw themselves as

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