Gift of Finest Wheat: The Story of the 41st International Eucharistic Congress

...eme of the 41st IEC was “The Eucharist and the Hungers of the Human Family” with the goal of examining both physical and spiritual hunger. The history of the Eucharistic Congress dates to 1881, when a one-day congress was held in Lille, France and attended by more than 800 people.

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...ocieties would be on display for the public over the course of a week. The week would open with a Pontifical Mass on October 7th, attended by cardinals and bishops from around the world, including Bishop Cuthbert M. O’Gara, O.P. of Yuanling, China, and Bishop Joseph O. Bowers of Accra,

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Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia

...William Hogan, who spread incredible lies about the Catholic Church after leaving it. Heated debates between Catholic and Protestant clergymen occurred in Philadelphia during the 1830s. One of the most well-known were the exchanges between John Breckinridge, secretary and general agent of the Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church

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Benedict Club: A Home Away From Home

...ered the largest such organization of its kind, serving over 3,000 meals a week and having sleeping accommodations for over 400.[2] The club also featured a library, a game room, and barber shop all of which could be used without cost to the servicemen. After the war it was run

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