Irish Catholics and Secret Societies action.[4] Division within led to two more failed invasions of Canada in 1870 and 1871.[5] Thanks to the collections of theAmerican Catholic Historical Society, we have the correspondence of the Fenians’ treasurer, Francis Gallagher, which documents the planning for the second invasion and the concern among most of the

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Thomas Nast Anti-Irish Cartoons American society. In the immediate aftermath of the Orange Riot of July 12, 1871 in New York City, in which Irish Catholics clashed with the National Guard protecting an Irish Protestant parade, Nast drew a number of anti-Irish cartoons for Harper’s Weekly. One cartoon illustrated the Draft Riots of

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The Day the Bronx Bomber Played in Kensington

...on uniform made especially for the occasion. At the field he was greeted by 10,000 spectators, the largest crowd ever to witness an independent baseball game in Philadelphia up to that time. The grandstands were overflowing. Hundreds of spectators jammed the field and the enclosures. Crowds packed the hills by

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Day of Great Joy: Sisters of St. Joseph in Philadelphia

...nniversary of the foundation of our Congregation at Le Puy, France, October 15, 1650. [4] P019.154: Constitutions of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia, 1939 [5] IC117: Glimpses of the Past: A Jubilee Sketch of Mt. St. Joseph, Chestnut Hill, 1858-1908 [6] P008.067 Elizabeth de Sales

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