Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia

...e 1808-2008. Strasbourg : Editions du Signe, 2007. PAHRC has a significant number of 19th-century pamphlets in its General Pamphlet Collection. The Archives also has an almost complete run of official Philadelphia Diocesan newspapers up to the current Archdiocesan paper, The Catholic Standard and Times. More information on the riots

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Philadelphia’s First Catholic Cathedral

...races its history to 1763, when a second church was needed for the growing number of Catholics in the city. Built on land originally bought to serve as a cemetery for Old St. Joseph’s, Old St. Mary’s was referred to as “Mission Number 1” as St. Joseph’s was seen as

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Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute

...quash court at in the Stotesbury Mansion, 03/03/1987, 505E During the 20th century, the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute continued to grow. In 1926 they moved to their current location, the Stotesbury Mansion at 1923 Walnut Street. The building with its large ballroom was prefect for lectures and other events and

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The Other Drexel: Louise Drexel Morrell

...from God and would spend her days answering correspondence from the large number of charities she helped support and overseeing the affairs of St. Joseph’s and St. Emma’s Industrial Schools. When not working she would toil in her greenhouse or walk the grounds of her estate. During the depression she

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