Vatican II

...ings. Here Wolf shows that the middle way is the best way. Wolf, ” It’ll Make Port,” June 2, 1967 The Church represented as a ship being cast about by the heavy storms of change. However, Wolf is confident based on the title that the Church will weather the storm.

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TV and Radio

...roup.[8] Soon after, DVCOTVR took over full production of Real to Reel and changed the shows name to Catholic Magazine. With the change, Catholic Magazine focused more attention on local features as well as interviews with prominent Catholics in the tri-state area. The show also featured teen talk segments and

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Papal Infallibility declared in 1854, the Council’s decree affirmed that Pius was speaking ex cathedra) and the second on was Pope Pius XII’s 1950 declaration of Mary’s Assumption into heaven. [1] Decrees and Canons of the Vatican Council, (1870), P001.1498, 13, [2] Ibid., 14. [3] Ibid., 24. [4] Ibid., 28.

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Catholic Newspapers in Philadelphia

...January 3, 1833 through January 4, 1862; January 10, 1863 through December 24, 1864; Sept. 7 and 28, 1867. We are missing Vol. 30 (Jan. 11, 1862 –Jan. 3, 1863). The title through the end of 1864 is The Universe: The Catholic Herald and Visitor. The 1867 issues are titled

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