The Centennial Fountain

...nking basins.[12] Herman Kirn with statue of John Carroll CHRC Centennial Exhibition from Observatory, George's Hill (note the single statue on the left pedestal)                             As the centennial year and the exhibition came to close, the

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...cine for the sick.[9] Sisters working in the hospitals, despite a lack of experience, were tasked with mixing medicines as well as taking temperatures and feeding the sick. Many sisters worked 12 hours shifts, with one stating that “through this experience I have learned to appreciate my vocation to the

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Mathew Carey

...riving in Paris in 1779, the connections that Carey would make there would change his life forever. First, he began working for Benjamin Franklin in his Paris printing shop. From there he would become friends with Lafayette, who would help Carey set up his first newspaper in America.[3] After a

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Friendly and Adopted Sons

...By the 1790s the group began to lose membership and many members sought to change the focus from just a social group to a charitable one. This gave rise to the Hibernian Society for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland formed in 1790.[9] When the Friendly Sons stopped meeting in

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