Irish Catholics and Secret Societies

...23, 1864 on the topic of “the English have no right to rule in Ireland” in support of the Fenian cause.[14] However, Wood wrote to Moriarty “forbid[ing] absolutely the delivery of the lecture” or else “forfeit all your [Moriarty’s] faculties in the diocese.”[15] Father Moriarty choose to disobey his superior

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The Centennial Fountain

..., the committee still needed more money and so reached out to the CTAU for support.[6] However, many other societies in the CTAU were reluctant to fundraise for the project because they saw it was a purely Philadelphia endeavor.[7] Due to this concern, the entire CTAU had raised barely half

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Misericordia Hospital

...ast first approached the Sisters about building a hospital.[2] So with the support of the Archbishop, Mother Mary Patricia Waldron, head of the order in Philadelphia, purchased a farm plot for $100,000 after having to mortgage most of the Sister’s properties.[3] To help offset the costs, Prendergast started a fundraising

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Elizabeth Sarah Kite and the Seminaries of France

...iew, hoping to have them published in order to raise awareness and solicit support for the plight of French Catholic seminaries after World War I. French Catholic clergy were sent to fight in the war, as were other French citizens, and so the Catholic Church in France experienced a serious

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