Cartooning Catholics

.... By examining cartoons depicting Catholics and Catholic social thought, it will be possible to understand how Catholics viewed the world and how the world viewed Catholics.   Read some recent articles about the exhibit: Northeast Times:

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Drexel Beatification

...In the past, the process of canonization was a long and expensive one with little guarantee of success. However, in 1983, Pope John Paul II streamlined the entire process, eliminating the Promotor of the Faith (Devil’s Advocate) and reducing the number of miracles required for canonization from three to two.

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The Church and Labor

...ecognized that unrestricted capitalism placed on the "laboring poor a yoke little better than that of slavery," while also condemning socialism for being "directly contrary to the natural rights of mankind."[1] His encyclical would go on to lay out social changes that could bring justice to society, such as calling

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1832 Cholera Outbreak in Philadelphia and Duffy’s Cut

Lately, there has been a fair amount of news coverage (“Fates Of Irish Workers Sealed In Mass Grave”, “Pennsylvania Ghost Story Leads to Murder Mystery”, "CNN Visits Penn Museum to Follow Story of "Duffy's Cut" Excavations in Malvern, PA") about the mystery surrounding “Duffy’s Cut,” a stretch of land in

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