Misericordia Hospital

...hiladelphia.[1] Named Misericordia Hospital, the opening of hospital was a long project that dated back to 1910 when Archbishop Prendergast first approached the Sisters about building a hospital.[2] So with the support of the Archbishop, Mother Mary Patricia Waldron, head of the order in Philadelphia, purchased a farm plot for

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Drexel Beatification

...ause for sainthood in 1964. In the past, the process of canonization was a long and expensive one with little guarantee of success. However, in 1983, Pope John Paul II streamlined the entire process, eliminating the Promotor of the Faith (Devil’s Advocate) and reducing the number of miracles required for

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Catholics in WWII

...stant chaplains.[6] O’Hara’s letter also included a list breaking down the number of chaplains from each diocese, in which Philadelphia had the second most with 51. As the war continued that number would increase to 68, unfortunately eight of those Philadelphia priests would die in the war, the most of

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Thomas Nast Anti-Irish Cartoons

...phia in 1844, which resulted in dozens killed and over a hundred wounded, along with two churches and a convent burned to the ground.[6] These anti-Catholic feelings stemmed from the allegiance of the Irish Catholics, who were seen by many Americans as loyal to the pope over the United States.

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