Building of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul

...he cornerstone being laid on September 6, 1846.[6] However, soon after the money began to dry up. The Annual Report for the Central Committee of the Cathedral reported that only a small fraction of what they expected to raise had been donated. Nevertheless, the committee hoped that pride in the

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Starting from Scratch: The Story of Msgr. Hawks and St. Joan of Arc Parish

...and therefore should, be started at once. This was on July 23rd. We needed money at once. A monster carnival on the school lot was held it was attended by vast crowds. The tables that made the most money were those which chanced off hams and groceries. The carnival provided

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Newman Centers

...ics attending University of Pennsylvania, which was greater than the total number of students attending the five local Catholic Colleges.[5] It should be noted that at this time two different Catholic organizations operated at the University of Pennsylvania. First was the Catholic Student’s Organization Committee (replaced the defunct Newman Club),

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Redpath’s Illustrated Weekly: a rare find

...shortened further to Redpath’s Weekly. This reflected the reduction in the number of illustrations due to rising publication costs. By August 1883, the paper had become more literary and less a vehicle for Irish freedom and social activism with more space devoted to serialized fiction, including French and Russian works

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