Medical Mission Sisters

...ny to Catholicism, baptizing 561 in Rawalpindi in the year 1944 alone.[12] Today the order still has over 500 sisters active around the world bringing much needed medical attention to those most in need.[13] Check out our digital collection for more images of the sisters or visit the archives to

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The Immaculata Mighty Macs

...l the 1981-82 season.) Though the team had a 24-1 record under coach Cathy Rush that year, most people thought the tiny women’s college couldn’t compete at the national level. But at the tournament in Normal, Illinois, the team won game after game and finally defeated their rival West Chester

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The Day the Bronx Bomber Played in Kensington Ascension parish uniform   Now batting for Ascension of Our Lord, Babe Ruth Baseball today seems more like a business than a sport. Americans look to the past as a simpler time when baseball was played for fun, not profit. These thoughts may just be nostalgic longing for a

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Black Catholics in Philadelphia and The Journal

...ted with the founding of the new parish, devoted its coverage to local and national news relating to black Catholics as well as news about black issues in the United States. It also covered news concerning St. Peter Claver. The top of the newspaper's title page read “The Catholic Church

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