Benedict Club: A Home Away From Home

...s,” showing that Benedict Club was successful in raising the morale of the servicemen who visited.[12] Some members of the Morale Corps Aides In addition to the nightly events, the club would offer other services. When it opened at noon, it would often have a line of men waiting to

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Daughters of Charity Nursed Wounded Civil War Soldiers at West Philadelphia hospital in a single month. The following month of August saw the greatest number of deaths in any one month, averaging at least one per day. In just one year, patients consumed more than 800,000 pounds of bread, 16,000 pounds of butter and 334,000 quarts of milk. During the war,

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Roman Catholic and Archdiocese High Schools

...0.[3] After four years of construction, on September 6, 1890, a dedication service was held at the newly completed school. In his speech, Archbishop Ryan stressed the importance of the first free Catholic high school in the nation, stating that public schools did “not go far enough in the grand

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Catholics in WWII

...stant chaplains.[6] O’Hara’s letter also included a list breaking down the number of chaplains from each diocese, in which Philadelphia had the second most with 51. As the war continued that number would increase to 68, unfortunately eight of those Philadelphia priests would die in the war, the most of

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