Nuclear War

...ning with negotiations in 1969, SALT resulted in an agreement to limit the number of ballistic missiles held by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. Wolf, “Which Way?” December 15, 1953 Wolf questions whether mankind will chose the path that leads to peace or the one that leads to nuclear war.

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Drexel Beatification

...eliminating the Promotor of the Faith (Devil’s Advocate) and reducing the number of miracles required for canonization from three to two. The first step in the process was to examine all of Katharine Drexel’s writings and interview as many people who knew her as possible. On January 26, 1987, she

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Bishop Francis Kenrick and His Journals

...Kenrick.” Edited Appleton’s Enyclopedia. Virtualology, 2001. <>. Nolan, Hugh J. Francis Patrick Kenrick: Third Bishop of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, 1948. O'Shea, John J. "Francis Patrick and Peter Richard Kenrick." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 8. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. <>. Archives A...

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The Battle of Antietam: a Philadelphia soldier’s experience

...anniversary of the Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest single-day battle in American history. The 69th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, with which Philadelphia native William C. White served, participated in this harrowing conflict. Several letters that White wrote to his parents shortly after the battle describe some his experiences. In a

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