The Church and Labor

...s, Father John O’Brien, compared Pope Leo’s work to the Bill of Rights because it set forth the idea that man is endowed with natural rights in the workforce and that he therefore needs to be treated with justice.[6] For Pope Leo and Pope Pius, these rights meant that for

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Papal Infallibility

...ters of salvation and deal with the whole church, which means he could not use his authority to speak ex cathedra on matters only relating to one country. Thus, Newman concluded that there is “no inconsistency in my being at once a good Catholic and a good Englishman.”[12] Not all

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Recap of “To Touch a Saint: Creating a Place for Middle School Students” Grant Program! example of a primary source they saw. The students learned how to also use Find My Past and each visit was tailored to the school and parish, with historical photos, related facts, and trivia. Every student and staff/chaperone received a brochure that detailed how to use the Archives, Find

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Misericordia Hospital

...delphia 1921), 32. An important component of Misericordia hospital was its use as a teaching center for doctors and nurses. Indeed, even before the hospital officially opened, the Sisters of Mercy set up a training program for nurses. The first class of 21 students started in May of 1918 and

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